Wednesday, May 21, 2008

the story of stuff

I just got back from a showing of "The Story of Stuff" at my local church, and all I can say is 'Wow.' I know this mini-documentary is nothing new, but I am so glad I was able to watch it. If you have never watched it, I highly recommend you do (all twentyish minutes of it is very worth your time). After watching it, I will:

- be more aware of how much I am consuming, from the paper cup I drink coffee out of, to the five napkins I take from my cafeteria
- be more aware of the quality of clothing I buy (I will not be sucked into planned obsolescence)
- try to change my lifestyle
- realize that recycling is not the answer
- realize that I cannot buy my way to a better environment through reusable bags, an energy efficient car, etc.

Looking around my bedroom now makes me feel really guilty. I am a known pack rat, and now I know that being a pack rat is no longer an O.K. thing. I mean think of everything you really consume on a daily basis...really think. It's not just a coffee and some gas.


Sunday, May 11, 2008

mom's day

My mom woke me up this morning by dancing into my bedroom and singing to me, clearly excited for Mother's Day. We went out to breakfast with my dad at this little Greek diner a few towns away. Then we went to an indoor flea market half an hour away, where I picked up a few pieces of jewelry (two rings and an amazing owl necklace, I'll post more later). For dinner, we ended at this delicious Italian restaurant in West Hartford, with unfortunately poor service.

Wearing: Mother's blazer, F21 dress, H&M necklace, UO tights, Nine West heels

Happy mother's day!


Friday, May 9, 2008

who knew

I was at Forever 21 today and was surprised to see them selling organic t-shirts. On their website, they sell six different styles (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). I know this is a bit hypocritical since I shop there on occasion, but it seems a bit strange to see a mass-produced brand selling organic clothing ... especially when they're imported. Which, to me, kind of cancels out the purpose of selling organic clothing in the first place (producing it in your own country so that it cuts back on the amount of fossil fuels used to transport the goods). Numbers 1 & 2 are made in the USA (they're part of the Heritage 1981 line), but who knows under what conditions. But oh well; I guess it's a nice cheap organic option.


Thursday, May 8, 2008


I had a school function to attend (indoors) on a BEAUTIFUL day yesterday. The only downside of this nice weather is me not being able to breath because of the pollen.

(I wore the same exact outfit pretty much to a fashion show a few weeks ago, and felt like an editor of a magazine)


Monday, May 5, 2008

Big shirts

All I've wanted to do for the past few days is wear extra large, acid-washed tees with leggings and skinny jeans. I realized, though, that I don't own very many oversized tees, my leggings are near the edge of death from being washed so many times this winter, and my skinny jeans bother me. In fact, jeans in general lately have been bothering me. And I'm getting sick of leggings. Good thing summer is almost almost hear, and I won't need to worry about either.

I was browsing on the Urban Outfitter's site in the men's section the other day, simply because they have better t-shirts than the women's section. They have so so many options for ten bucks or less. I really need to make my way down to New Haven for something besides eating late-night dinners with friends (ahem, stock up on some xxl shirts).

Cheap Monday Bigger Tee - $10

